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Timetable of Courses is not available yet.
Classes and lectures are scheduled to start by 23 of September 2024 (first semester)
and by 24 of February for the spring semester
Information for incoming students pdf
By June 15th you should send us your Application Form and your Learning Agreement signed and stamped by the Erasmus coordinator of your Home Institution (see application procedure).
Before arriving in Florence, please register online by entering your personal information (see the instructions pdf).
For the spring semester:
If your are a student of medicine, nursing or pharmacy and have clinical rotations and laboratories into your Learning Agreement you must arrive no later than the 19th of February to finalize the enrollment procedures:
Upon arrival in Florence, you should immediatly go to the International Relations Office of the School of Human Health Sciences to finalize your registration at the University of Florence.
The start date of your Erasmus+ period coincides with the business day (Monday to Friday) following your day of arrival as certified by your travel document (e.g., airline ticket, boarding pass, train ticket, highway toll payment receipt, etc.).
Fill in the Google Form befor your arrival
If you are a student from outside the European Union, in addition to your travel document, you must also send a copy of your passport with a student visa (if required). For visa information, see the Universitaly website. If the mobility period is longer than 90 days, a residence permit is also required.
See also the Application procedure
After completing the procedure, you will receive (after a few days):
After your enrolment, you need to update your personal page on GCS Student Career Management with your Italian personal information (e.g., residence in Florence and Italian phone number). It is important that you keep your page up to date.
The Certificate of arrival will be issued upon your arrival in UniFi format, no other form or declaration will be signed. The International Relations Office of the School will send it to your home university by e-mail and in copy to you only once you have been correctly enrolled and upon reception of the student Id number (Matricola number).
The Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) organizes Italian language courses throughout the academic year. If you have an international study grant (Erasmus and similar) you can register to one Italian Language course free of charge, starting from A2 level.
To attend this course you should fill in an online application available at the following link: CLA and follow the instructions. Futher instructions will be sent by e-mail from CLA.
Please note that you CAN’T get credits for classes at Centro Linguistico di Ateneo.
If you are interested in gaining access to the University canteens, you can request a DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) card by scheduling an appointment from the following web page: DUS Card
The rate for a complete meal is €8.50.
The reduced rate with a first course (soup/rice/pasta dish) is €5.40.
The reduced rate with a second course (fish/meat/vegetarian dish) is €6.30.
The DSU card that allows access to the canteen must also be used for payment (electronic purse function), as cash payments are not accepted.
Your DSU card can be recharged:
Check out the pages Welcome to Unifi for a brief introduction to the city and the University, including possibilities for accommodation and other practical information for your stay in Italy.
University's Guest House: at some university residences, you can use a paid guesthouse service with special rooms or unassigned or temporarily free accommodation for absentee.
You may also find a room to rent on your own. Here some information to help you:
Erasmus students are allowed to change their learning agreement only once per semester with the following deadlines:
- 15th November for changes of the first semester or whole year subjects or clinical rotations.
- 15th March for changes of the second semester subjects or clinical rotations.
If you wish to ask for an extension of your study period you should submit the extension of stay form available in the section “FORMS” to the Erasmus+ Coordinator of your Home Institution.
The closing date of your Erasmus in Florence coincides with either the date of your last exam (regardless of the outcome) or the end date of your classes if no exam was taken. In the case of traineeships, the end date of the mobility coincides with the end date of the activity.
Before checking out, check on GCS Student Career Management to see whether all examinations have been recorded, fill out the “esami sostenuti” form (rtf - pdf), and submit it to our office.
To avoid delays in the issuance of the final Transcript of records, while in Florence, check periodically on GCS Student Career Management the transcripts of exams taken. It is important that records are kept, even of failed exams. Hence, it is your responsibility to ask so to each Professor specifically.
By submitting the form, you confirm that you have completed all activities and wish to receive the Certification of Stay and Transcript of records. The International Mobility Office will close the mobility and send the Certification of Stay and Transcript of records by email to your home university with you in cc.
You have formally ended your Erasmus mobility period in Florence by checking out. Therefore, you can no longer take exams or other educational activities.
The Certification of Stay issued upon arrival and departure is in Unifi format. No other form or declaration will be signed
1. Go to:⇒Didattica⇒Ricerca insegnamenti
2. in the first dialog box select the name of the course (or just keywords)
3. from the drop-down menu "Scuola di" choose Scienze della Salute Umana
4. from the drop-down menu "Tipologia" choose either Laurea triennale (bachelor level) or Laurea Magistrale (master level) or Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
5. hit "cerca"
6. you will get a list, sometimes fairly long, of all subjects with that name. Click on each to check the semester (from the dates) and get more.
School of Human Health Sciences
Medicine and Surgery:
Plan of study for medicine students
Timetable - Degree in Pharmacy
Timetable - Degree in Medicine and Surgery
Courses - Degree in Medicine and Surgery - Syllabus -
Pharmacy and Chemistry:
Syllabus/ Teaching programs (pdf)
Sport Sciences (3+2 system)
Study Plan for incoming students (pdf)
Erasmus coordinator Prof. Diego Minciacchi
Nutrition (3+2 system)
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